
Personal Injury Frequently Asked Questions

Do you Have Questions? We Have Answers.

Victims of injury accidents in Chicago may not know their legal rights and what their options are when it comes to obtaining compensation for their damages. It is always a good idea when you are harmed by the negligence of another party to take your injury experience to a local personal injury attorney for evaluation.

United States Supreme Court

In Chicago, Shindler & Shindler are trusted and experienced Chicago personal injury attorneys that can help victims review their accident experience and help them with filing Chicago injury claims where applicable.

Common Chicago Personal Injury FAQs

Victims do not have a long time to file a personal injury claim for compensation due to the statute of limitations establishing time limits. This is why it is critical that after an accident, you get in touch with a Chicago personal injury attorney at Shindler & Shindler to get the process started. Every state has its own statute of limitations, or time limit to file a claim. The Illinois statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim in most cases is two years from the date that the injury accident took place.

Not every injury accident will warrant a personal injury claim, but many can. An experienced Chicago personal injury attorney at Shindler & Shindler can examine the details of your accident and injury and advise you on your rights and legal options for filing a claim if you have a legitimate injury claim for compensation to pursue. Even if you were somewhat responsible for your injury accident happening, in Illinois, as long as you are not deemed to be 51% responsible or more, you may be able to recover some amount of financial compensation.

There is no legal requirement to work with an attorney when it comes to filing a personal injury claim. Although, statistically, victims who use a legal professional to handle their claims tend to win more often and get the most financial compensation for their losses. And, when you work with the Chicago personal injury attorneys at Shindler & Shindler, you pay nothing unless we win your case for you. So, there is no reason not to have a seasoned and trained legal professional advocating and fighting on your behalf when you are injured so you can focus on getting better and healing.

The ideal situation for an insurance agent is to catch a victim off-guard and have them answer probing questions when the victim does not have legal representation protecting their interests. It is highly advisable to connect with an attorney first before you speak with the insurance adjuster. If the adjuster asks questions before you have legal counsel, you can politely tell them that you are in the process of working with an attorney and you will have your attorney connect with them to handle communications on our behalf.

Injured in an Accident? Contact a Chicago Personal Injury Attorney at Shindler & Shindler

The personal injury claims process can be complicated and confusing. It can be especially overwhelming when you are trying to recover from severe injuries.

For help with your Chicago personal injury claim, please call the Chicago personal injury lawyers at Shindler & Shindler to schedule a free consultation at 847-WE-FIGHT (847-933-4448).

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